

February 9, Sunday Service of Worship

SERMON: Judges 18:13-31, A Poor Religious Substitute …But if we start talking about true religion, and poor religious substitutions, there’s significant consequences. When I say religion, I mean that in the biblical sense of the word. People often use that cliché, “it’s not religion, it’s a relationship.” Not true. Religion simply means the beliefs and associated…

February 2, Sunday Service of Worship

…Judges 18:7 Then the five men departed and came to Laish and saw the people who were there, how they lived in security, after the manner of the Sidonians, quiet and unsuspecting, lacking nothing that is in the earth and possessing wealth, and how they were far from the Sidonians and had no dealings with anyone.  The men of Dan came from central-southwest Israel,…

January 26, Sunday Service of Worship

SERMON: Judges 17:1-13 “Nothing More Than a Good Luck Charm” …So, the Lord was to be king over Israel. And Israel was to follow the Lord as king, and to do everything the Lord required of them, which according to our memory verse for the week, was to “fear the LORD…to walk in all his ways, to love him, to serve the LORD with all their heart and with all…

January 19, Sunday AM Service of Worship

…When Israel surrendered to the Lord, and followed him as Lord, they prospered. * However, when they began to make decisions apart from the Lord, and use their own wisdom as their basis for daily living, they suffered the consequences. And at the beginning of the book, Israel started out well, but quickly began to be influenced more strongly by the worldly culture…

August 18, Sunday Service of Worship

CALL TO WORSHIP: Psalm 93:1–3PRAYERANNOUNCEMENTSCATECHISM: Q. 44, p. 877CONGREGATIONAL READING: Psalm 93:4–5SONG: A Mighty FortressSONG: For the Beauty of the EarthPREACHING THE WORD: Genesis 4:1-10, Sin is Crouching at the DoorSONG: Come As You AreSONG: The Days of ElijahBENEDICTION

August 11, Sunday Service of Worship

CALL TO WORSHIP: Psalm 92:1-4PRAYERANNOUNCEMENTSGUEST MISSIONARY TESTIMONYCONGREGATIONAL READING: Psalm 92:12-15SONG: God With UsSONG: Be Thou My VisionPREACHING THE WORD: Judges 10:17–11:11, The Confounding Wisdom of FaithSONG: Rock of AgesSONG: Not I But Through Christ in MeBENEDICTION

July 14, Sunday Service of Worship

CALL TO WORSHIP: Psalm 89:1-4PRAYERANNOUNCEMENTSCATECHISM: Q. 42, p. 877CONGREGATIONAL READING: Psalm 89:5-7SONG: Come Thou FountSONG: What Wondrous Love Is ThisPREACHING THE WORD: Judges 9:23-57, M.A.D., or Mutually AssuredDestructionSONG: Purify My HeartSONG: The Glorious ChristBENEDICTION