Sermons on False Religion
February 16, Sunday Service of Worship
SERMON: Judges 19:1-30, When Sodom and Gomorrah Come to Town …The world is going to “world.” And God judges the world. No need to be surprised or concerned about the wickedness in the world. The culture is trying to focus your worries on the world. And that’s a dangerous thing, because our concern, as Christians, is to be a clean and pure people in the church as…
February 9, Sunday Service of Worship
SERMON: Judges 18:13-31, A Poor Religious Substitute …But if we start talking about true religion, and poor religious substitutions, there’s significant consequences. When I say religion, I mean that in the biblical sense of the word. People often use that cliché, “it’s not religion, it’s a relationship.” Not true. Religion simply means the beliefs and associated…
January 26, Sunday Service of Worship
SERMON: Judges 17:1-13 “Nothing More Than a Good Luck Charm” …So, the Lord was to be king over Israel. And Israel was to follow the Lord as king, and to do everything the Lord required of them, which according to our memory verse for the week, was to “fear the LORD…to walk in all his ways, to love him, to serve the LORD with all their heart and with all…