Sermons on Desires of the Heart
January 19, Sunday AM Service of Worship
…When Israel surrendered to the Lord, and followed him as Lord, they prospered. * However, when they began to make decisions apart from the Lord, and use their own wisdom as their basis for daily living, they suffered the consequences. And at the beginning of the book, Israel started out well, but quickly began to be influenced more strongly by the worldly culture…
June 23, Sunday Service of Worship
CALL TO WORSHIP: Psalm 84:1-2PRAYERANNOUNCEMENTSCATECHISM: Q. 40, p. 877CONGREGATIONAL READING: Psalm 84:10–12SONG: CornerstoneSONG: BreathePREACHING THE WORD: Judges 5:1–31, Cherishing the Victory of the LordSONG: What a Friend We HaveSONG: King of GloryBENEDICTION
April 7, Sunday Service of Worship
CALL TO WORSHIP: Psalm 72:1–17PRAYERANNOUNCEMENTSCONGREGATIONAL READING: Psalm 72:18–19SONG: Psalm 48, #48SONG: Come Thou Fount, #486PREACHING THE WORD: Judges 7:23–8:21, For All the Wrong ReasonsSONG: Take My Life, #288SONG: To God Be the Glory, #473BENEDICTION