Sermons on Complacency
February 9, Sunday Service of Worship
SERMON: Judges 18:13-31, A Poor Religious Substitute …But if we start talking about true religion, and poor religious substitutions, there’s significant consequences. When I say religion, I mean that in the biblical sense of the word. People often use that cliché, “it’s not religion, it’s a relationship.” Not true. Religion simply means the beliefs and associated…
May 5, Sunday Service of Worship
CALL TO WORSHIP: Psalm 76:1-10PRAYERANNOUNCEMENTSCONGREGATIONAL READING: Psalm 76:11-12SONG: Your Love, O LordSONG: Turn Your Eyes Upon JesusPREACHING THE WORD: Judges 1:19–36, When Comfort and Complacency Overtake VictorySONG: Be Unto Your NameSONG: No Not OneBENEDICTION