Discerning Truth
Why Doctrine Matters: Love the Lord Your God with all Your Mind
My sister is currently slogging her way through her medical rotations as she learns her way to a medical degree that she might be able to legally practice medicine and be declared, “Doctor.” Doctors pursue medicine for a variety of different reasons but all have, at least to some…
John Lennon, Modern Science and the Faulty View of Religion
I came across a op-ed in the LA Times the other day. The authors were asserting that DNA studies in recent years have “proved” that “God didn’t make man; man made god.” The authors introduced the article by quoting John Lennon and then asserting that the only world that makes any sense is a world…
The Fruitful Soil (Mark 4)
Jesus often used parables in his teaching, which were simple short stories that would have been familiar to the people he was addressing, to explain and illustrate a spiritual truth he wanted to convey to them. Since I’m a simple guy, parables are right in my wheelhouse. This particular parable is used to depict the responsiveness of unbelievers to God’s message of…